Android Tech And Thoughts.

Android Studio common shortcut key and adb cmd

Word count: 105Reading time: 1 min
2020/01/12 Share

AS 常用快捷键

自动导入类: alt + enter

返回上一页: ctrl + alt + <-

显示方法实现: ctrl + alt + B

显示可重写方法: ctrl + O

自动包装异常代码: ctrl + alt + T

寻找错误: F2

全局查找: ctrl + shift + f

源码中查找类: ctrl + N

删除无用包: ctrl + alt + O

运行: shift + F10

生成代码: alt + insert

reformat code: ctrl + Alt+L

参数提示: ctrl + P

替换文本: ctrl + R

  1. 1. AS 常用快捷键